The birth of Christ is the greatest gift of all. Merry Christmas friends!
How do you handle Christmas? Are you energized? Excited? Are you looking forward to the gathering of family and friends? This is a special time of year. A time of giving, loving and taking time to show others how much they mean to you. Jesus came that we would love him and love others. It is in loving others that we learn to love ourselves, to appreciate what we have been given.
Putting God First
You know that this is the first commandment. We are to love God with our whole heart, mind and body. This is the way to true happiness.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” John 3:16
Putting Others First
It’s actually a great gift when we learn to put others first. It takes our mind off our own problems. You know there is always someone else who is worse off than you. When you help someone else, it lifts your spirit.
Giving Thanks
Christmas is a time to give back. A time to love like no other. Being grateful is a gift you can give back to God for all He has done for you. So give to others with your heart. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. Give of your time to visit with friends, family and those who have no one to visit them. Covid did a number on all of us and some are still afraid to get back out and visit. We learned to get comfortable staying home and staying away from others. Living in fear isn’t healthy so don’t get too comfortable. We were made for more. We need relationship with God and with others.
Your Action Step
Your first action step and the greatest gift you could give yourself is to go to church. Thank God for all you have by visiting Him in the churches where He is present by spending a little time in adoration, being thankful for all that you already have.
We take so much for granted here in the US. We have so much! Americans live better than 80-90% of the rest of the world! That’s hard to believe, isn’t it? So many live paycheck to paycheck or in debt. It would be good if we all could see how the rest of the world lives. We might learn to live with a lot less. –But that is another post.
Thanks for following along. I pray you have a wonderful Christmas filled with the joy that comes from Love. Focus on Love because He is the greatest gift to the world. He will see you through. –God bless.